La presente selezione di offerte, curata dallo staff di InformaGiovani Arezzo, è stata effettuata il 10 settembre 2017, con le opportunità presenti in tale data. Vi consigliamo comunque di leggere attentamente tutte le informazioni delle singole offerte qui riassunte, al link diretto della fonte

Dal sito Eures Link

  • PERSONAL DE ATENCIÓN AL USUARIO CON DOMINIO DE ITALIANO – 1 impiego- Spagna, Cantabria. Scadenza: 08/11/2017

FUNCIONES: – Atención a usuarios sobre manejo de software. – Gestión de llamadas de usuarios, atención, registro y resolución de incidencias, consultas, peticiones. – Redacción / Traducción de documentos.
BUSCAMOS: – Alto dominio del idioma Italiano: Hablado y escrito. – Amplios conocimientos de informática a nivel de usuario. – Personas con experiencia en el trato con clientes, telefónica y electrónicamente. – Residencia en Cantabria o disponibilidad para reubicarse en esta provincia. – Gran disposición para aprender y crecer.
VALORAMOS: – Dominio de idiomas adicionales con alto nivel de: Alemán, Holandés e Inglés. OFRECEMOS: – Contrato a jornada completa, de duración determinada con opción de convertirse en indefinido. – Salario según valía del candidato. – Formación a cargo de la empresa. – Incorporación inmediata al departamento de Quality & Support. – Oportunidades de crecimiento. – Buen ambiente de trabajo.
Persona di contatto: VIAVOX INTERACTIVE SL
Come sollecitare l’impiego:
Fonte: Public Employment Service of Spain

  • Consultor Informático con Francés o Portugués o Italiano – 1 post – Spain, COMUNIDAD DE MADRID. Scadenza: 29/09/2017

Estás en búsqueda de un empleo que te ayude a desarrollar tus habilidades y que te proponga retos intelectuales? ¿Te gustaría ver el resultado de tu trabajo reflejado en el “mundo real”? ¿Quienes somos?: Somos una empresa referente a nivel internacional en el diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de optimización de recursos dirigidos al sector transporte. Nuestras soluciones se basan en la aplicación de tecnología punta en optimización. TUS FUNCIONES  Recopilación, análisis y seguimiento de las necesidades de los clientes.  Redacción de las especificaciones funcionales y técnicas.  Creación de la interfaz funcional con el cliente junto con el departamento de desarrollo y el departamento de gestión de proyectos.  Apoyo a preventas en demos y pilotos en colaboración con el Departamento comercial.  Viajes para la formación y producción de nuestro software.
Contact person: GOAL SYSTEMS SL
Come sollecitare l’impiego:
Source: Public Employment Service of Spain


FUNCIONES: Auxiliar administrativo con conocimientos de contabilidad
REQUISITOS: nivel alto de ITALIANO (imprescindible) y formación de grado medio o superior de administración, permiso de conducir para llegar a la empresa en el polígono y experiencia laboral en el sector.
CONDICIONES LABORALES: contrato temporal, jornada de 7 a 15. Inicio Septiembre
Come sollecitare l’impiego:
Source: Public Employment Service of Spain

  • n. 2 italian Waiters – 2 posts – Cruise Ships from Venezia

Oceania Cruises , prestigious International Company of luxury cruise ships, searching for n. 2 italian Waiters for professional service in an Italian restaurants on board. Six months contract. (renewable after two months home). – Salary 2.750 us$ + tips – Contract 6 months can be renewed after 2 months home Working every day, NO DAY OFF FOR 6 MONTHS, 10 hours of daily work (often more) without weekly rest day . Sharing cabin by 2 – Flights paid to join.- Request: work experience in local fine (specify in CV), excellent English language skills, ability to work in international teams, well-groomed appearance, flexibility and friendliness. Send your apply only for the specific position and ONLY if you are in possession of all the requirements.
Come sollecitare l’impiego: Sending at the EURES Adviser: CV in English (with professional photo) and eventual presentation in English with the subject: “ OCEANIA Cruises – waiters ” (applications in Italian language and without requirements will not be taken into account) The eligible applications will be submitted to Senior managers crew of the Society for the possible by emails required to pass an English interview by video conference (Skype). Ships of this Society sail around the world, have no fixed routes, so there is the possibility that in the months of boarding you will never touch the Italian coast
Contact person: Paola Marani
Source: EURES Central Database

  • Italian Interpreter Needed in Huyton – United Kingdom, NORTH WEST (ENGLAND).

Do you speak English and Italian? Then develop your linguistic skills and use your potential to make extra earning by joining our bank of Italian Interpreters in Huyton and surrounding towns and cities. AIT Group is an international interpreting and translation company with offices in the UK and abroad providing interpreting services across the UK. We are currently and urgently looking for Italian Interpreters in Huyton to join our current team of interpreters. You will be required to interpret in Hospitals, GP Surgeries as well as for Social Services meetings and interviews. To apply for this well paid opportunity. We are a 24/7 service so we can work around your flexibility. Added Benefits- All of our interpreters will also be provided with free invaluable Continuing Professional Development Training Courses.
Come sollecitare l’impiego: Please fill in our online application on this link: : – Apply online at
Source: Department for Work and Pensions, Public Employment Services, United Kingdom

  • Sewer/seamstress (M/F) + Carpentry worker + Production worker – Tábua, Carregal do Sal and Nelas, Centre of Portugal

Aquinos Group ( represents one of the largest and most modern
upholstery and mattresses factories in Europe. Our teams are expanding and we are looking for
people who are interested in a long term, stable and steady job in Portugal. Our factories are
located in the Centre of Portugal – Tábua, Carregal do Sal and Nelas – and this area is perfect for
families or individuals looking for new job opportunities in a culture rich country.
· Minimum of 9th year of schooling
· Proved experience in the role
· Availability to work in fixed shifts
· Good communications skills
· Ability to work in teams
· Proactivity and a dynamic performance
· 6 month renewable contract and possible permanent contract after two years
· 557€ of monthly salary + feeding subsidy of 3.20€ per working day + day shifts subsidy of
2.73€ per working day OR night shift subsidy of 6.32€ per working day (day shifts are
from 6am-2pm and 2pm-10pm; night shift is from 10pm-06am)
· Initial and continuous training with a team of experts
· Medical teams of doctors and nurses during working hours
· Location in a village with schools, nurseries and day care facilities, as well as restaurants,
cinema, a library, cultural center, health center, markets and various different services. Its
proximity to big cities such as Coimbra and Viseu is a plus
· Support in learning the Portuguese language
· Help in finding accommodation will be provided to those interested
Come sollecitare l’impiego: Please send your CV in English, under the reference “AQUINOS” – to Eures Adviser Dora Silva; e-mail:
Further info: please contact the EURES Adviser Dora Silva +351 239 158 715 Interviews by SKYPE are possible

  • 1 Goldsmith (M/F)/Gemstonesetter (M/W), Idar-Oberstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, with worldwide travelling – Scadenza: 31/10/2017

We are looking for Goldsmith (M/F) Gemstonesetter (M/W) for a family owend company in Rhineland-Palatinate. Rhineland-Palatinate is a region of great historical and cultural significance with numerous castles and romantic vineyards in the Middle Rhine and Moselle. Attractive cities such as Mainz, Koblenz and Trier contribute to the profile of this region.
RPS is a great region for working and living!
Qualification requirements:
•completed professional education
•long time work experience
•-Skilled manual work
•-Care & diligence
•-Graphic ability
•-Meticulous and delicate aptitude
Job description:
•Every task in producing jewellery
Place of work: Idar-Oberstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, with worldwide travelling
Come sollecitare l’impiego: Please send us your CV or EUROPASS CV ( via e-mail, using the code Goldsmith-JOB_RPS_01_2017 : and

  • 1 Baker (m/f) – Burgebrach, Bavaria, Germany
    Scadenza: 31/10/2017

For a company we are looking for a dedicated baker (m / f)
• production of bread, rolls, small pastries, etc.
• Making dough, oven work, etc.
• You have a professional training as a baker (m/w)
• You are reliable, team-oriented and motivated
• You already have at least B1 German language skills
Frame conditions and benefits for employees:
• Employment contract: indefinite
• Working time: full-time
• Support for housing search
• When filling the post, a collective agreement applies: baker’s trade
Location: Burgebrach, Bavaria, Germany.
Please send your application in German or English to: by referring to PB-423.
For further assistance, please contact us. We´ll be happy to provide further assistance.
The International Placement Services Bavaria supports your job-seeking in Germany. We are a department of the German Federal Employment Agency. Our services are free of charge. Citizens of EU Member states may have the possibility to receive financial support (for example travel expenses, language course).
Come sollecitare l’impiego::

Dal sito ScambiEuropei

  • L’agenzia Au-Pair follow the experience ricerca una ragazza alla pari per una famiglia australiana con bambini a partire da Ottobre-Novembre 2017

Start Date: Ottobre / Novembre
Dove: Sydney, Castlecrag, Australia
Famiglia composta da cinque persone: 2 genitori, 3 bimbi di 5 e 2 anni e un neonato
Mansioni e responsabilità: Preparare la colazione ai bambini, aiutarli a vestirsi e portarli a scuola oppure badare al neonato mentre la madre si occupa dei bimbi più grandi. Andare a prendere i bambini a scuola, preparare loro la cena, metterli a letto. La madre è a casa durante il giorno quindi aiuterà l’aupair e si occuperà del neonato.

Orari: 6.30 – 9 / 15 – 18.30  30 – 35 ore settimanali


  • 21+
  • In possesso della patente di guida
  • Essere una persona flessibile
  • Esperienza certificabile con bambini dai 0 – 6 anni
  • Disponibile a stare per almeno 6 mesi in Australia
  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Eleggibile per il WORKING HOLIDAY VISA

Benefit: Vitto e alloggio, $ 350 weekly pocket money, Macchina per uso personale, $ 40 – $ 50 mensili per credito telefonico, Contributo per il corso di inglese fino a $ 500, Bonus di $ 500 dopo 6 mesi, Vacanze pagate con la famiglia
I costi da sostenere per poter fare questa esperienza sono: € 400 → costo di agenzia (comprende 6 mesi di assicurazione sanitaria ) + Costo del volo aereo + Costo del working holiday visa
Maggiori informazioni: chiamare il numero +39 346 6591753

Per candidarsi inviare il proprio Curriculum Vitae attraverso il form dedicato

  • Possibilità di lavoro negli USA nel settore ristorazione con la Patina Resturant. I selezionati saranno impiegati a Disney World e Disney Springs

Possibilità di lavoro negli Usa, a Disney World e Disney Springs, nel settore ristorazione. L’azienda Patina Restaurant Group è alla ricerca di personale per i suoi ristoranti all’interno dei parchi tematici.

Patina Restaurant Group conta oltre 60 location in restoranti e centri di arte performativa in tutti gli Stati Uniti. A Orlando, a Disney World, nel ristorante tipicamente italiano (Tutto Italia, Tutto Gusto, Via Napoli) sono accolti ogni anno migliaia di clienti da tutto il mondo.Il prossimo autunno Patina aprirà due nuovi ristoranti a Disney Springs.
Il gruppo è attualmente alla ricerca di:

  • Camerieri
  • Host o Hostesses
  • Addetti ai punti vendità
  • Cuochi
  • Personale da bar


  • Avere almeno 18 anni
  • Passaporto italiano
  • Essere disponibili a vivere negli Stati Uniti per almeno 12 mesi
  • Essere in grado di sostenere una conversazione in inglese
  • Essere estroversi entusiasti, flessibili

Guida alla candidatura
Per candidarsi, inviare una mail a con CC eures@afolmet.itI candidati selezionati saranno inviati a una sessione di colloquio a Roma o a Milano

Scadenza: 30 Settembre 201