Scadenza presentazioni domande: 23 febbraio 2018
YAP Italia e Allianssi (Finlandia) cercano 2 volontari/e per il progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo di breve termine (EVS short term) in una scuola superiore vicino Helsinki. La durata del progetto è 1 mese, la partenza è prevista tra Marzo e Settembre 2018 (da concordare con il/la volontario/a). Scadenza per presentare le candidature è 23 Febbraio 2018.
Volunteers’ profile: We are looking for young persons willing to be actively involved in the activities of the project located in the Finnish countryside with no big towns or crowds of people but lots of peace and nature around.
The volunteer should be motivated to learn, to adapt, to propose ideas, take initiative and open to discover other cultures and work in a multicultural environment. He/she should be motivated to develop personal skills such as communication and team work skills, conflict management, decisionmaking and perseverance.
About the location: The hosting place is located in rural area, Punkaharju folk high school can be considered remote due to its quite long distance to Helsinki (about three hours by train) in eastern Finland, so the volunteer should feel comfortable with living in a small community far from city lights, preferably being young people who enjoy environment and outdoor activities. The project is suitable for young person without much experience of international exchanges, but he/she needs to able to communicate in English. The volunteer will have a chance to participate in Finnish lessons also.
Description of the project: Target group of this project (beneficiaries) are young students in the folk high school where the volunteer will co-organise free time activities such as various workshops related to for example arts, culture, languages, computers, cooking, sports, music, games and other topics depending on the skills and interests of the volunteer and the students. About half of the students in the folk high schools are from immigrant origin.The students attend different courses and degrees, some join for short term courses, some stay a full year. The students are mainly young adults. The main goal of this EVS is to provide this short intercultural communal learning experience in order to increase their capacity and understanding of diversities. More information on the hosting organisation
The proposed activities for the volunteer are:
– supporting the staff in preparing the leisure actitivies and workshops at the Folk High School. The volunteer assist staff with arranging activities on various topics by different methods. The working language will be mainly English; therefore it is important that the volunteer speaks English in sufficient level.
– there will be also other tasks and chores, mainly related to working with students, but also including some assisting tasks in other fields such as maintenance and support services
– the volunteer in encouraged to carry out own ideas, own projects such as running a workshop on some topic of her /his hobby or expertise ( sport, language, handicraft, music, for example)
– act as intercultural messengers encouraging the students with different ethnic backgrounds to co-operate together and make everyone feel welcome to join all the activities. To empower young people to see the importance of volunteering and active citiizenship.
The volunteers will implement all activities in cooperation with folk high school staff and students. There is also an opportunity for organizing joint activities with the students, as well as for initiating new activities, according to volunteers’ ideas, strengths and skills.
Accommodation and food: Volunteer will stay in the student dormitory. There are about 150 residents at the school. The school offers breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week, so the EVS volunteer has all the meals prepared. The volunteer is expected to do activities with young people so it would be useful to be a sociable and positive person, who loves outdoor and nature. The school is multicultural so volunteer should be interested and able to work with people from different cultures.
Per candidarsi: inviare il CV aggiornato in inglese, la lettera di motivazione specifica e l’application form compilata al computer via email a: LTV@YAP.IT entro le ore 12 del 23 Febbraio 2018. |
Cos’è il Servizio Volontario Europeo?
Il Servizio Volontario Europeo permette ai giovani di impegnarsi nel volontariato per un massimo di 12 mesi, in un Paese diverso da quello di residenza. L’esperienza accresce la solidarietà tra i giovani ed è un vero “servizio di apprendimento”. Infatti, oltre ad operare a favore delle comunità locali, i volontari apprendono nuove capacità e nuove lingue, entrando in contatto con nuove culture. Un progetto di questo tipo si avvale dei principi e dei metodi di apprendimento non formale.
Tutti i partecipanti allo SVE hanno diritto a ricevere il Certificato Youthpass, che descrive e convalida l’esperienza di apprendimento non formale e informale e i risultati acquisiti durante il progetto (risultati dell’apprendimento).